We're raising money for the Isle of Wight Branch of the MND Association
It’s your wealth in a nutshell
Nutshell: the Rouse Personal Finance Portal (PFP). Encrypted messaging. Up-to-date information. Secure storage. It all adds up to peace of mind.
Encrypted messaging
We use Nutshell’s secure messaging service to send and receive any financial information or instructions relating to your account so as not to compromise the security of your data. Created with cyber security as a priority, Nutshell enables you to correspond with us knowing that any information you share is encrypted and completely private.
We will still use email for sending alerts and other non-sensitive information.
Up-to-date information
Wherever you are, whether you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone, the system allows you to access the most up-to-date information regarding all your financial interests with Rouse Limited securely and easily, 24/7.
You can see details of the plans and investments we currently have on our system as well as add other plans and upload documents, but your money can only be moved in, out or between your accounts through liaison with your Financial Planner.
Nutshell provides you with a secure document vault, so you can house all your financial documents online where they are secure and fully backed up.
Nucleus clients
Logging into Nutshell will provide you with a valuation of your Nucleus investments, however, transaction histories and correspondence from Nucleus will need to be sourced directly from the Nucleus website.
We’re here to help
To sign up, click on the Nutshell link or, for help getting started, please download our guide.
If you would like more information on any aspect of the system, or help with signing up, please contact us. We’re with you every step of the way.
We like the regular communications explaining how investments are going and explaining events in the markets at large and like the fact we can log on and look at our pensions’ performance at any time. The whole experience which seemed an overwhelming task at first was such a positive step for us.
With Nutshell, you’re in safe hands. It provides the simplest and most secure way to keep track of all your financial interests with Rouse Limited.